Do you know any leaders who have everything all figured out? I don’t! Leadership is hard! I do, however, know some really great leaders. One of the joys of working with a company like Your Clear Next Step is that we’re committed to helping people become even better leaders. Many of us could use some help in this area. It seems like when we get promoted to a leadership role, our plates fill up fast and we barely have time to lead, let alone lead well! With all the tasks on our plates, when are we supposed to make time for the people-part of leadership? How do we fit it all in? In a recent episode of the Even Better Podcast, YCNS founder Sinikka Waugh and I discussed four qualities that we believe can be found in all the best leaders; Or in other words, the four qualities that make the best leaders!
The best leaders get down in the trenches with their team and do the dirty work alongside them. They don’t ask anyone to do anything that they wouldn’t do themselves. By giving support and coaching in challenging situations, leaders can gain a lot of respect from their team. Let’s say that there is a team member who has been struggling to understand their role on a project. Instead of criticizing that individual for any shortcomings that arise as a result, the best leaders will reach out and connect with their team member. The leader helps guide them to the understanding they need by coaching them along the way. If they’re willing to go that extra mile to shoulder the burdens alongside their team, leaders create an environment that demonstrates trust; both from the leader to the team and from the team to the leader.
Investing time to understand the members of our team both personally and professionally can help the best leaders create a working environment in which communication flows smoothly, people are open about their feelings and opinions, and feel comfortable asking for help. Leaders will discover many things about their team when they take the time to get to know them. Preferences in communication and their communication styles, the methods which help them to stay on track while working, stress responses, and preferred methods of receiving feedback are all things a leader may discover about their team. The best leaders take it a step further and learn about their team outside of work too. What kind of things do they like to eat? What’s their family like? What are they going through right now? By building this understanding, an authentic human connection is made, enabling the leader to tailor their relationship with each individual team member appropriately for their needs.
Sometimes, what might be in the best interests of a team member may not be what is best for the project, directive, or department. When I ran into this issue while working as an HR direct leader, I didn’t push my team to run headfirst into our problems. I took the time to personally coach them and listen to them, to find out whether the current situation we were in was the best place for them, and what would help them succeed. Sometimes that meant helping advocate for them to move elsewhere within the company to areas that fit them best, even though my own numbers took a bit of a hit, as did my career. Watching those team members grow and succeed in their new positions made it all worthwhile. I believe that the best leaders are willing to focus on helping their team members thrive, supporting their growth, and advocating for their success, even when it doesn’t seem to be helpful in the moment. It will be in the long run!
I believe those are the four defining characteristics of the best leaders, and they’re all connected. Mastering each of these starts with number one, like the bottom of a pyramid, and then builds up to four, supporting one another. Exceptional leadership is no easy feat to achieve, involving a comprehensive approach that encompasses active engagement, understanding team members, prioritizing their success, and building a culture of value and appreciation.
If you’d like to learn more about leadership, please check out our free leadership resources. If you are ready to take the next step, try out one of our trainings or sign up for coaching to help you discover the best way you could lead others! Our Changemakers certification program teaches the necessary skills for being a great leader as well as so much more! Please check out our Changemakers page to learn more!