I started reading relationship books when I was in middle school. I know it’s not your typical middle schooler reading, but I wanted to learn about how to cultivate positive relationships. Since that time, I have had many a conversation with friends about defining the relationship (DTR). Defining the relationship is a process that the people in a relationship undergo to ensure that all parties understand what the relationship is. For instance, a couple might decide if they are boyfriend/girlfriend or if they just enjoy each other’s company. Defining the relationship is crucial because it prevents miscommunication and hurt feelings due to an improper understanding of each person’s role in the relationship. If you haven’t figured it out yet, I really like defining the relationship.
You might think that a DTR is only useful for interpersonal relationships. However, that is not the case. DTRs are useful in business as well. Instead of defining the relationship, businesses use group norms.
Of course, the way to solve this problem is to discuss group norms –define the relationship. The members of Your Clear Next Step recently had a team meeting where we discussed group norms. During this meeting, we clarified focus work time and time for small talk. We discussed what kind of communication we prefer for time sensitive and less urgent issues. Every member of the team provided input and talked together to create a common understanding. Now that we have articulated our group norms, everyone knows what is expected of them.
Once group norms have been clearly established, your team or company can work smoothly. Congratulations, you defined the relationship!