Communication continues to be something many of us talk about. A lot. You can read blogs or articles or watch webinars on communication at just about any moment. Any good definition of communication describes it as a loop. The message is prepared and sent by the sender. It is received and decoded by the receiver. Then the receiver sends a confirmation of receipt back to the sender.
Honestly, just as we spend time improving our communication-sending skills, we also need to invest in our own communication-receiving skills.
As with many skills, one technique will not apply in all situations. So, we are here to offer several ideas. All of these tips theme around intentionality. We invite you to consider these tips and make your listening active and intentional.
Sometimes we need to mentally prepare ourselves to listen. Other times, we need to physically prepare by removing the distractions from the space or the distractions from ourselves. Regardless of the type of preparation you need, it is important to actively and intentionally prepare for the exercise of listening. Do what you need to do to prepare yourself to focus, stay quiet, and listen for understanding. Try some of these ideas to prepare:
Mirroring is a technique where your facial expressions, non-verbal’s, and your physical actions mirror those of the person who’s talking. If they put down their pen, I put down my pen. If they lean in, I lean in. If they smile, I smile. Mirroring is a really great technique to demonstrate listening, because it shows you are fully invested in the communication. You are listening, not just with your ears, but also your eyes as you react to what their non-verbals are, and with your whole body as you mirror their actions. Mirroring has been proven to help build trust, so it’s a good way to say to someone “I’m listening to you.” It can come across as unnatural or forced if not done well, so this is a good one to practice!
This one won’t apply to everybody in every situation, but sometimes the person we are communicating with really values it when we write down their words and take notes on what they are saying.
When taking notes, be sure to take notes on what they are saying, in addition to the questions that you want to ask later. For many of us taking notes is a technique that helps us stay focused on the conversation at hand, but it can also be a good relationship-building technique as we write down the words of someone who values that action.
This is another one that may involve some preparation in advance, and it certainly requires some discipline, but it is so vital to the listening process. So many of us these days spend so much of our time multi-tasking. We are “listening” to an important phone conversation while we are driving. Or we are “listening” to a conference call while we are also responding to our latest emails. Or we are “listening” to a conversation going on around us while we are checking our phones or surfing the web. We are so divided and so unfocused in today’s world that its almost frustrating to engage in conversation with anyone. As a gift to the person you are listening to, be intentional about focusing on them. Put down your phone. Put down the other distractions. Prepare the space to be distraction-free and commit yourself to that person and that conversation.
This technique doesn’t work for everybody or every situation, but many communicators feel affirmed as a listener when they hear their words repeated back to them. Once you understand what kind of communicator you are listening to or what type of communication you are involved in, make an attempt to repeat back what you heard. Try saying something like “So what I’m hearing is…” or “What I heard is…” or “Did I understand correctly when I understood you to say…?” Similar to taking notes, repeating back what you heard in the communication lets the sender know you were listening, so they know their breath wasn’t wasted.
So, there you have it. Tips for listening effectively. Again, not all these tips will apply in all situations and not all of them make sense to each of us every time. But among these tips we hope you found some that will help you listen even better to the person that is talking.