Your Clear Next Step Blog

Top 3 Areas Women Need Support in For Their Careers

Written by Laura Casale | Apr 25, 2024 6:40:02 PM

Supporting women in their careers is not just vital for their professional growth; it's a game-changer for the success of the companies they serve. But let's be clear about something from the start—this isn't about questioning women's competence or abilities. Far from it! The focus needs to be on the myriad of challenges, biases, and preconceptions women face daily in the workplace, stemming from colleagues of all genders. It's something many of us see and experience, whether directly or through the experiences of those around us. And it raises an important question: how can we become allies and support the women we work with, share our workspaces with, or simply encounter in our professional lives? It's a topic we delved into on the recent episode of the Even Better Podcast, where Your Clear Next Step Founder, Sinikka Waugh and I, explored the top three ways we can all contribute to supporting women in their careers. They include: 


1. Networking and Visibility 

Networking is often a challenge for women due to concerns about being perceived as pushy or aggressive. This fear is limiting, as it prevents women from making important connections that might help to take their careers to the next level or in new directions. In my one-on-one coaching sessions with women, we’re always trying to push beyond our comfort zones to build connections with people. Those we knew and lost touch with or people who seem interesting. It can be scary or seen as going outside our scope if we try to meet people outside of our immediate team. Companies can support networking for women by organizing events, conferences, and creating other opportunities for networking to take place. Creating a space for comfortable interactions will help women build relationships and open doors for their future career opportunities. That is why Sinikka encourages networking in the YCNS Changemakers Certification Program, which involves a cohort of students working closely together over the ten months of the program and allows participants to join the community of other certified Changemakers afterwards. 


2. Work-Life Balance 

Achieving a healthy work-life balance is essential, particularly for women who often navigate the complex dance of managing a career, family, and additional responsibilities. Embracing flexibility is crucial in this endeavor; think of work-life balance as an action, constantly shifting to adapt to each day's unique demands. To support their female workforce, organizations are can explore various initiatives and solutions that align with the collective well-being of both the employees and the company. Experimenting with options like flexible project-based career paths, offering the ability to choose working hours or days, or implementing job-sharing arrangements where two part-time employees share the responsibilities of a full-time position, are excellent starting points. Cultivating an environment that genuinely recognizes and supports women's personal lives not only leads to a workforce that is more content and engaged, but also fosters a culture of trust, support, and goodwill among all employees. 


3. Confidence Building 

Fostering self-confidence is pivotal for career success among women. Developing positive habits incrementally strengthens confidence, ensuring that setbacks are manageable rather than catastrophic. Taking the time to embrace small victories and acknowledge each achievement is a powerful strategy that creates a cumulative effect far surpassing individual contributions. Managers can make this a standard agenda item for all employee one-on-one sessions. Another way is to explore different pathways for advancement through training, coaching, and mentorship that allows women to acknowledge their skills and achievements fully. This recognition and celebration of success not only enhances job satisfaction and engagement, but also contributes significantly to the success of both the individual women and the organization as a whole. 


In 2023, my business partner Christine Samuel, an Innerwork Coach, Facilitator, and Author, and I unveiled our Women's Career Mastery Program. This six-month, intensive initiative is crafted to empower women to spearhead their career advancement within their current organizations, eliminating the notion that leaving is the only path to success. Through this program, we explore methods such as these and other strategies to help our participants grow professionally and navigate the challenges women encounter daily in the workplace. Our goal, and the goal of YCNS, is to help make sure that it gets better for women in the workplace every day, as well as making every day even better for everyone. 


If you need any help or have further questions, please reach out. We are always here to listen and to help find the solution that is right for you!