
Shop Til You Drop!

The Saturday after Black Friday, this year being November 25th, 2023, is Small Business Saturday! It's a day we all can take to support small businesses within our communities. Small businesses are hometown favorites, the places we always fondly remember, and the stores we always can say “Hello!” to because we know the staff by name. It’s very important to remember all that they do for us, for they are the backbones of our communities. 

Founded by American Expreoss in 2010 and officially cosponsored by SBA since 2011, Small Business Saturday has become an important part of small businesses’ busiest shopping season. Every year it serves as a day to rapidly expedite sales, especially in the wake of the pandemic where many local businesses were forced to close up shop. I believe we should all take the day find ways to support out favorite local shops to make sure that we show our thanks. But there are many ways to give small businesses your support this Saturday. Here’s seven I recommend: 


fixed1. Sign-up for Their Newsletter

Many local businesses have a newsletter just like ours to let you know about new products, sales, and more. Signing up shows that we care enough to stay on top of their sales and inspires them to give it their all. 

2. Follow Them on Social Media 

Social media is a powerful platform with a lot of reach. By following their social media, you create a further reach for them, allowing them to find more customers and build a solid foundation for their online presence. 

3. Give Them a Shout Out 

A shout out on social media also brings more direct awareness to a business and what they’ve done, share your experience! 

4. Engage With Their Posts by Liking, Commenting, and Sharing 

Just like following and shouting out, liking commenting, and sharing posts from your favorite small businesses will drive them to become more relevant on the algorithm and spread their reach 

5. Give Them a Positive Review on Google, Facebook, or other Review Platform

Yelp, Google, there are many places you can leave reviews online. Many shoppers look at online reviews before they make their decisions about where to go, so your review can have a big influence on a small business’ sales. 


6. Buy a Product, Service, or Gift Card From Them 

The simplest and easiest way: Buy! Go online or in-person and make some purchases, get the money flowing! Giving them business is the best way to make sure their business thrives. 

7. Tell Your Friends and Family About the Amazing Experiences You’ve Had  

Sharing on social media is a bit of a shotgun blast, you’re not sure who you’re going to reach. But by sharing directly with friends and family, especially if they’re local like you, you know that they have a good chance of going themselves, and their good name spreads further at the same time! 


Your Clear Next Step’s Small Business Saturday… 

We love shopping local! The Indianola community is very special to us, so we always want to give back whenever we can. But our team also isn’t all local to the Your Clear Next Step offices. 

So, we asked all our employees their favorite places to shop local and compiled a list of the YCNS favorite local places! If you’re in the area, we invite you to check them out! If you’re not, where are your favorite places? Share below so we can all go! 


Local Gift Guide:

Indianola, IA

Des Moines, IA

Ankeny, IA 

Iowa City, IA

Norwalk, IA 

Mount Pleasent, IA

Pella, IA

Centerville, IA

Grinnell, IA


Topics: Business Skills & Business Acumen

Katrina Colahan

About the Author

Katrina Colahan

Katrina is a Communication Specialist with Your Clear Next Step. She was an intern for about 2 years before taking on a full-time role sending emails, posting on social, designing graphics, publishing blogs, and more. She graduated from Simpson College with a degree in Theatre Arts, which she loves to use in her free time (when there isn't a pandemic).

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