Your Clear Next Step Blog

Stuck in the Mud

Written by Sinikka Waugh | May 15, 2024 8:21:04 PM

If you’ve ever been out on a rainy day, you may know what it’s like to avoid puddles and muddy spots.  Sometimes, life can feel a little bit like this – no matter how hard we try to avoid it, there are times we get stuck and don’t know how to get out.  

 So, how do we find a way forward, both in our personal lives and in our work lives? And how do we hold fast to the truth that we aren’t alone in feeling stuck? Here are some of the ways I’ve been able to get unstuck and find hope in the dark. 



It can be easy to lose sight of our value when we feel like we’re doing the same old, same old every day. Luckily, we don’t have to stay stuck. But before we can get unstuck, we have to figure out what we’re stuck in. 

Journaling can be one helpful way to reflect. Find a quiet space and a few minutes to think about how you’re feeling. Here are some questions that can be helpful to ask: 

  • What causes you to feel the most stuck? 
  • What kinds of things are you doing when you notice yourself getting stuck?  
  • What brings you the most joy? 
  • How can you incorporate more joy into the work you do? 

If we can answer questions like these, we can start to recognize when and where we get stuck, and the inverse, what brings us joy and gets us unstuck.

Many of us have felt stuck before, so another great way to reflect is to talk to someone else. When we tell others about the things that cause us to feel stuck, they may have insight or ask additional questions that probe us to think differently about our situation. 


Set Achievable Goals 

 When we know where and why we get stuck, we can set realistic goals to help us get unstuck. If working in a specific place has become a distraction, set goals related to finding a new location. If certain tasks feel more daunting than others, set goals to prioritize the more time-sensitive or difficult tasks. Sometimes taking that first step to get unstuck is easier if that first step is small enough to be achievable.

If you’re looking for a place to start, here are some of our favorite tools to get unstuck. 


Work with an Accountability Partner 

 Especially if we've felt stuck for a while, it’s encouraging to know that we aren’t alone. If you’re struggling or feeling lost, don’t be afraid to tell someone! A friend or coworker can quickly become a shoulder to lean on, or an accountability partner to help you accomplish your goals. You can set weekly check-ins just to catch up, check in periodically on the projects you do with a coworker, or ask a friend or family member to inquire about your progress.   Knowing that someone else cares enough to keep tabs on your progress is often a big boost in helping make the journey towards unstuck less dreary.


Take a Break 

Sometimes we get stuck because we've been too focused on the same thing for too long, and we get something that feels like tunnel vision.  In that case, a great way to get unstuck, is to shift focus to something else! Taking a break is a great way to clear your head before returning to a project or task. It may even offer some inspiration along the way! 

 Here are some great ways to take a break: 

  • Go on a walk 
  • Buy a coffee — or buy someone else a coffee 
  • Volunteer your time and talents 
  • Work out 
  • Read a book 
  • Try something new 


Put Goals into Action 

Now that we’ve reflected, set goals, talked to someone else, and taken a break, it’s time to follow-through on our goals! It can be difficult to stay strong from start to finish, but it feels great to accomplish the things we work hard on. By keeping our eyes on the prize and remembering that we aren’t alone, getting unstuck in the future will be that much easier. 

Think back to that pesky mud puddle for a moment. While it may have temporarily gotten in the way, it wasn’t a permanent stop!  We were just temporarily stuck, and now we're on our way to something new.


Stepping through change is never easy, but we are not alone. When we view change as a process and look to others for help, change becomes even more manageable. Learning how to see change as a process is even one of the core tenets of Your Clear Next Step’s Changemakers Certification Program! If you’re interested, check out our resource page for more information!