Overcome Those Public Speaking Jitters

Posted by Sinikka Waugh on Jul 14, 2020 9:13:53 AM
Public speaking keeps popping up in surveys and studies as one of our most common fears...So how...boost your confidence and make...less scary?
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Topics: YP, Sinikka Waugh, Business Skills & Business Acumen, Communication & Collaboration

Three Daily Verbs

Posted by Sinikka Waugh on Jul 2, 2020 3:57:56 PM
...these three ideas that, when applied daily, can help launch any individual forward in any career they choose.
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Topics: YP, Sinikka Waugh, Business Skills & Business Acumen, Communication & Collaboration

4 Neighborly Tips

Posted by Sinikka Waugh on Jul 2, 2020 12:48:23 PM
We offer four simple communication tips that can apply on Independence Day weekend and the workplace on Monday to help you stay neighborly.
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Topics: YP, Sinikka Waugh, Business Skills & Business Acumen, Communication & Collaboration

Vacations! Who Needs 'Em? Spoiler Alert: You do

Posted by Sinikka Waugh on Jun 30, 2020 9:43:17 AM
taking a chunk of time away can stress enough to avoid vacations...key to your mental, physical, and emotional well-being...do it right and prepare well.
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Topics: Time Management, Sinikka Waugh, Business Skills & Business Acumen, Leadership & Influence

Seven Daily Habits

Posted by Sinikka Waugh on Jun 26, 2020 7:33:01 AM
habits (including good ones!) take a while to form...habits we’ve found most useful...all useful and relevant, whether you work remotely or in the office.
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Topics: YP, Time Management, Sinikka Waugh, Business Skills & Business Acumen, Change & Transition

Grief in Times of Change

Posted by Sinikka Waugh on Jun 5, 2020 7:34:28 AM
First, grief is something we all experience at one time or another, and second, grief has the potential to impact our interactions with one another.
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Topics: YP, Sinikka Waugh, Business Skills & Business Acumen, Change & Transition, Communication & Collaboration

4 Ways to Help Interns Be Successful

Posted by Sinikka Waugh on May 26, 2020 10:49:13 AM
A successful intern can be a huge asset to your business, but, like any employee, they need a little maintenance and management. They're looking for gui...
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Topics: Sinikka Waugh, Business Skills & Business Acumen, Communication & Collaboration, Project Management & Business Analysis, Leadership & Influence, Internships

Common Ground

Posted by Sinikka Waugh on May 21, 2020 4:33:18 PM
Friends, the art and science of business analysis and project management are two sides of the same coin. You don’t have to be a “Business Analyst” to...
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Topics: YP, Sinikka Waugh, Business Skills & Business Acumen, Communication & Collaboration, Project Management & Business Analysis

Presentation Vs. Facilitation

Posted by Sinikka Waugh on May 21, 2020 3:18:49 PM
Presenting is when you have content you are sharing with a specific audience...Facilitating is gathering a group of people to work collaboratively...
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Topics: YP, Sinikka Waugh, Business Skills & Business Acumen, Communication & Collaboration

Develop Yourself

Posted by Sinikka Waugh on May 15, 2020 9:57:04 AM
At its core, professional development is intentionally honing your abilities as they apply to your work world.  It can take a variety of shapes, such as...
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Topics: YP, Sinikka Waugh, Business Skills & Business Acumen, Leadership & Influence