Centuries In The Making

Posted by Sinikka Waugh on Sep 27, 2022 10:47:29 AM
The US celebrated the national holiday on August 26th, commemorating the addition of the 19th Constitutional Amendment. It’s been 102 years since it was
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Topics: Sinikka Waugh, Business Skills & Business Acumen, Leadership & Influence, Internships

A More Inclusive Workplace

Posted by Allie Tubbs on Jul 28, 2022 1:30:45 PM
People in the disability community want to contribute, show value and worth...but the space has to be accessible. Can you prevent ableism in your space?
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Topics: Business Skills & Business Acumen, Communication & Collaboration, Leadership & Influence

Annoyed? Frustrated?

Posted by Barb Ranck on Jun 1, 2022 12:26:03 PM
Important changes often start from feelings of annoyance/frustration. All it takes is a little investment on your part to stop doing the same thing.
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Topics: Sinikka Waugh, Business Skills & Business Acumen, Change & Transition

Staying Organized

Posted by Dawn Ealy on Jun 1, 2022 11:37:12 AM
One area that creates particular chaos at work is our system for storing files and documentation in the digital world. Let’s talk 5 ways to stay organized.
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Topics: Time Management, Sinikka Waugh, Business Skills & Business Acumen, Project Management & Business Analysis

The Love-Hate Relationship

Posted by Sinikka Waugh on May 4, 2022 10:45:43 AM
There is value in offering hybrid working situations allowing for the best of both worlds. Here are tips for making the most of hybrid working situations.
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Topics: Sinikka Waugh, Business Skills & Business Acumen, Communication & Collaboration, Leadership & Influence

Explore Opportunities

Posted by Lynn Swanson on Mar 11, 2022 2:38:32 PM
If you’re maybe not so confident about how to identify your next move, then we have some things to explore and apply together.
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Topics: YP, Business Skills & Business Acumen

6 Easy Tips For Co-Creating Great Workdays

Posted by Sinikka Waugh on Mar 3, 2022 3:38:34 PM
Here at YCNS, our mission is to help create better workdays so we can co-create better communities, and these actionable tip can help do just that!
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Topics: YP, Business Skills & Business Acumen, Communication & Collaboration

Transferrable Energy

Posted by Barb Ranck on Feb 10, 2022 1:49:24 PM
Whether you’re feeling stuck at work or in your personal life, you CAN take action to shift your energy in a positive direction, regardless of circumstance
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Topics: YP, Business Skills & Business Acumen, Communication & Collaboration

Getting Things Done

Posted by Sinikka Waugh on Jan 12, 2022 4:11:13 PM
When something new begins, whether we're looking forward to, or dreading, it, we can expect to experience a little fear. Here are a few tactical steps.
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Topics: Sinikka Waugh, Business Skills & Business Acumen, Communication & Collaboration, Leadership & Influence

Leveling Up in Your Career

Posted by Kay Arvidson on Dec 23, 2021 3:44:39 PM
How do you level up to the next step in your career? How do these concepts of 'new school' and 'old school' job searches apply?
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Topics: YP, Business Skills & Business Acumen, Change & Transition