Leveling Up in Your Career

Posted by Kay Arvidson on Dec 23, 2021 3:44:39 PM
How do you level up to the next step in your career? How do these concepts of 'new school' and 'old school' job searches apply?
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Topics: YP, Business Skills & Business Acumen, Change & Transition

Five Ways to Keep the Peace

Posted by Sinikka Waugh on Dec 15, 2021 4:17:05 PM
Keeping the peace isn't easy, especially in situations like rush shopping, hanger, or heightened conversations. Here are 5 ways to keep the peace.
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Topics: YP, Sinikka Waugh, Business Skills & Business Acumen, Communication & Collaboration

Three Steps to Managing Stress

Posted by Barb Ranck on Nov 29, 2021 7:45:00 AM
Stress-we all experience it. It can be hard to find our way out of chronic stress. Here's a 3-step format to manage our stress, specifically with curiosity
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Topics: YP, Business Skills & Business Acumen

Problem Solving 101

Posted by Sinikka Waugh on Nov 23, 2021 5:27:06 PM
Whatever problems you're facing, it may be easiest to ignore them, but that's not the most sustainable. How do you start? Here are 3 steps to get started.
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Topics: YP, Sinikka Waugh, Business Skills & Business Acumen

Getting Back At It

Posted by Sinikka Waugh on Nov 22, 2021 9:12:07 AM
Many experience a world where shorter weeks just mean fewer days to get the same amount of work done, so here are 3 quick tips to get back into the groove
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Topics: YP, Sinikka Waugh, Business Skills & Business Acumen


Posted by Sinikka Waugh on Nov 16, 2021 4:18:12 PM
We’ve all heard gratitude is good for us. But chances are, someone reading this note is busy, so here is a handful of practical, tactical steps to do now.
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Topics: YP, Sinikka Waugh, Business Skills & Business Acumen, Communication & Collaboration

A Bad Day

Posted by Sinikka Waugh on Nov 9, 2021 11:25:18 AM
We all have bad days, which is ok. What’s not ok, is when we let our bad days impact others. Here are a five ways to turn your bad days around...
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Topics: YP, Sinikka Waugh, Business Skills & Business Acumen

Are you a PM?

Posted by Sinikka Waugh on Aug 12, 2021 4:23:12 PM
Even if it's not in your job title, I can almost guarantee you've worn the hat of Project Manager a handful of times in your career. Here are 4 tips.
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Topics: Sinikka Waugh, Business Skills & Business Acumen, Project Management & Business Analysis

Leveling Up with a Personal Purpose Statement

Posted by Barb Ranck on Jul 22, 2021 5:05:34 PM
Where could having more energy and passion benefit you today? A personal purpose statement can help you identify where your energy should be going and is.
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Topics: Business Skills & Business Acumen, Leadership & Influence

Better Workday, Better Life

Posted by Sinikka Waugh on Jul 15, 2021 8:04:26 PM
Thankfully there are a few things you can do while at work that will help you live a longer, healthier life, and have a better workday. 
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Topics: Sinikka Waugh, Business Skills & Business Acumen