Giving Thanks for 2020

Posted by Sinikka Waugh on Nov 25, 2020 5:06:32 PM
2020 has been tough, but there are still things to be grateful for. I'm grateful for the unexpected stillness, the treasures of friends, and the trials.
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Topics: Faith, Sinikka Waugh, Business Skills & Business Acumen

Practicing Your Attitude of Gratitude

Posted by Sinikka Waugh on Nov 24, 2020 9:00:00 AM
Well frankly sometimes it's hard to find practical applications to put gratitude into practice. The theory is sound, but what do we really do?
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Topics: Sinikka Waugh, Business Skills & Business Acumen

The Art of Professionalism

Posted by Joel Smith on Nov 19, 2020 2:41:09 PM
Ultimately professionalism will only come when we make the decision to put others ahead of ourselves and take what we do seriously. That’s really it.
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Topics: Sinikka Waugh, Business Skills & Business Acumen, Communication & Collaboration

Be Essential

Posted by Sinikka Waugh on Nov 17, 2020 9:14:22 AM
It's important to stay connected with your team. You can become and remain an essential team member, even if you’re not rubbing elbows with your colleagues
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Topics: Sinikka Waugh, Business Skills & Business Acumen, Communication & Collaboration

Our Core Values

Posted by Sinikka Waugh on Nov 12, 2020 10:08:52 PM
Whether you’re looking for a working group, team, department, or whole company, having & communicating core values helps attract others who share our values
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Topics: Sinikka Waugh, Business Skills & Business Acumen

Your Workday Persona

Posted by Sinikka Waugh on Nov 10, 2020 9:16:13 AM
Since we spend so much of our lives at work, it’s important to make sure we are spending our days as a 'persona' that aligns with what we really value.
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Topics: Faith, Sinikka Waugh, Business Skills & Business Acumen

Unmarked Edges

Posted by Sinikka Waugh on Oct 30, 2020 8:10:37 AM
Be intentional about defining and documenting the values that you hold dear, and clearly marking the path so that together, you stay on solid ground.
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Topics: Sinikka Waugh, Business Skills & Business Acumen

When the Going Gets Gray

Posted by Sinikka Waugh on Oct 22, 2020 3:06:59 PM
Humans don’t like ambiguity. But we come out the other side stronger. Here are a few tips to help you make it through the gray a little easier.
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Topics: YP, Sinikka Waugh, Business Skills & Business Acumen

It's Decision Time

Posted by Sinikka Waugh on Oct 20, 2020 9:00:00 AM
What do you still need to accomplish this quarter, and how will it get done? Decision making has never been easier!
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Topics: Sinikka Waugh, Business Skills & Business Acumen, Project Management & Business Analysis

What Growth Season Are You In? - Part 2

Posted by Barb Ranck on Oct 15, 2020 2:16:19 PM
Our lives have multiple aspects/seeds, each of which yield different produce during different seasons. Like farming, life growth areas follow predictable cycles.
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Topics: Business Skills & Business Acumen